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What are the requirements for facility and environmental controls in the R2 Standard?

Q: What are the facility requirements for R2 certified organizations?

A: The R2 Standard outlines several facility requirements that R2 certified organizations must meet. These include:

  1. Conducting all processing operations indoors, unless the risks of outdoor operations have been assessed and controls are in place to prevent uncontrolled releases to the environment.
  2. Storing R2 Controlled Streams in a manner that protects them from adverse weather conditions, complies with the facility’s legal requirements, provides security from unauthorized access, and utilizes clearly labeled containers and/or storage areas.
  3. Storing all equipment destined for reuse in an enclosed environment protected from the elements, unless the equipment is intended for outdoor use.

Q: What are the environmental control requirements for R2 certified facilities?

A: R2 certified facilities must maintain appropriate environmental controls to minimize the risk of releases to the environment. This includes:

  1. Conducting regular assessments of the facility’s environmental risks and implementing controls to mitigate identified risks.
  2. Properly managing and disposing of any hazardous waste generated from the facility’s operations in accordance with applicable legal requirements.
  3. Maintaining appropriate spill response equipment and procedures to address any potential releases of hazardous materials.
  4. Training employees on proper environmental management practices and emergency response procedures.

Q: What are the requirements for facility closure plans in the R2 Standard?

A: R2 certified facilities must develop and maintain a written facility closure plan that outlines the steps to be taken in the event of the facility’s closure or abandonment. The closure plan must:

  1. Include provisions for the proper management and disposition of all electronic equipment, components, and materials under the facility’s control, using appropriate commercial businesses.
  2. Consider the risks associated with the facility’s operations, including the types of equipment and materials that may be received.
  3. Include an estimate of the costs associated with facility closure, including the processing of remaining inventory, sampling for environmental contamination, and potential site remediation.
  4. Establish a financial instrument, such as insurance or a bond, to provide the necessary funds for closure in the event of abandonment.

By adhering to these facility and environmental control requirements, R2 certified organizations can ensure that their operations are conducted in a manner that is protective of the environment and responsive to potential risks and liabilities.