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How does the R2 Standard address the management of non-focus materials?

Q: What are the requirements for managing non-focus materials in the R2 Standard?

A: While the R2 Standard places a strong emphasis on the management of Focus Materials (FMs), it also addresses the management of non-focus materials. The key requirements for managing non-focus materials include:

  1. Managing all non-focus materials in accordance with the R2 Standard’s Core Requirement 2, which outlines the hierarchy of responsible management strategies (reuse, materials recovery, and disposal).
  2. Ensuring that the management of non-focus materials is included in the facility’s Environmental, Health, and Safety Management System (EHSMS) to ensure handling that is compliant with legal requirements and protective of workers, the public, and the environment.

Q: How does the R2 Standard specifically address the management of print cartridges?

A: The R2 Standard includes specific requirements for the management of print cartridges, which are considered a non-focus material. These requirements include:

  1. Managing print cartridges in accordance with Core Requirement 2, prioritizing reuse and materials recovery over disposal.
  2. Ensuring that print cartridges are sent to appropriate remanufacturers, recyclers, or Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that meet all applicable regulatory requirements and utilize technology designed to safely and effectively manage print cartridges.

Q: What is the overall approach to managing non-focus materials in the R2 Standard?

A: The R2 Standard takes a comprehensive approach to the management of all materials, including non-focus materials. The overall philosophy is to ensure that all materials are managed in a manner that is environmentally responsible, compliant with legal requirements, and protective of worker and public health and safety. This includes:

  1. Applying the hierarchy of responsible management strategies to all materials, prioritizing reuse and materials recovery over disposal.
  2. Ensuring that all materials are managed in accordance with the facility’s EHSMS and all applicable legal requirements.
  3. Continuously evaluating and improving the facility’s processes for managing non-focus materials to minimize environmental impacts and protect human health and safety.

By addressing the management of non-focus materials in addition to Focus Materials, the R2 Standard promotes a holistic approach to responsible electronics recycling that considers the entire lifecycle of electronic equipment and components.