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How does the R2 Standard address the issue of counterfeit and contraband electronic equipment?

Q: What is the R2 Standard’s stance on counterfeit and contraband electronic equipment?

A: The R2 Standard strictly prohibits the intentional acceptance, processing, or generation of counterfeit or contraband electronic equipment. R2 certified facilities are required to take all necessary steps to prevent the introduction of counterfeit or contraband materials into their recycling streams and to promptly report any suspected counterfeit or contraband materials to the appropriate authorities.

Q: How do R2 certified facilities identify and manage counterfeit or contraband electronic equipment?

A: R2 certified facilities are required to implement processes and procedures to identify and manage counterfeit or contraband electronic equipment. These processes and procedures typically include:

  1. Training employees to identify and report suspected counterfeit or contraband materials.
  2. Conducting visual inspections of incoming materials to identify any suspicious items or discrepancies in documentation.
  3. Utilizing electronic tracking systems and databases to verify the authenticity and legal status of electronic equipment.
  4. Segregating and quarantining any suspected counterfeit or contraband materials pending further investigation and disposition.
  5. Reporting any confirmed counterfeit or contraband materials to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and other relevant authorities.

Q: What are the consequences for R2 certified facilities that knowingly accept or generate counterfeit or contraband electronic equipment?

A: R2 certified facilities that are found to have knowingly accepted, processed, or generated counterfeit or contraband electronic equipment may face severe consequences, including:

  1. Suspension or revocation of their R2 certification status.
  2. Legal penalties and fines under applicable laws and regulations.
  3. Damage to their reputation and loss of customer trust.
  4. Potential criminal charges and other legal liabilities.

By strictly prohibiting the acceptance and generation of counterfeit and contraband electronic equipment, the R2 Standard helps to ensure the integrity and legality of the electronics recycling industry. R2 certified facilities that adhere to these requirements can demonstrate their commitment to responsible, ethical, and legal recycling practices.